Death Note
Death Note


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Death Note
Death Note
Death Note
Death Note
Death Note


IQ tests suck...inaccurate???

Got like 146 in just 1 tset of the INTERNATIONAL HIGH IQ SOCIETY IQ TESTS...

Obviously, they only talk rubbish...

OR NOT?? jk

What's new? Never trust IQ tests...they never work...

If not, there would be countless genius in this world...

Just a tip...when you take IQ tests online, don't be sad if u get low IQ...its fake

IF you get too high...on the other hand (meaning the left hand this time...jk, don't be may just be a mental deficiency in disguise...

NO ONE wrote at 12:20 PM
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Did not post for like 3 months!:( Sorry again...

Well, at least I'm back!


NOWHERE!!! Okay, I did not post since May... and now is already September...YAY the holidays again, you may think...but really, this holiday sucks...

1 week of horror is the right way to describe this nightmare of a sucks really like hell...

Who would really enjoy a holiday just full of homework? ME? No thanks...

Oh by the way, yulong, I must really thank you for that post...For your info, I don't talk a lot in school because I just don't feel like talking can??? Ur SOAB (son of a...)reasoning really rocks like hell...Just hope u won't see this...

Also must thank Aaron...even though I don't really remember who exactly he is...but he really give "nice comments" about me...when the hell did I ever flirt in Pri Sch??? Or was that ur nice imagination at work?!

Nvm, I shall be "kind" and forgive these people...just dun come into my house stationeries may bite...jk

NO ONE wrote at 11:16 AM
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The best quiz in the world...try sovle it...haha

The Impossible Quiz

must wait for the ad to be over first den can start...

NO ONE wrote at 2:00 PM
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On the same day...haha...another fun game too!!!!!!!!

Maple Story Pianus

Click here to play this game

NO ONE wrote at 1:55 PM
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Newest post since last month...actually only post...found a fun game!!!!xD

Maple Story Papulatus

Click here to play this game

NO ONE wrote at 1:50 PM
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SORRY!!! I was busy...xD

Sorry to those who view my blog quite oftenly...for the whole of this month, I was too busy to blog, so please forgive me for not updating my blog for this entire month...well, not much can be said as it is not easy to find time to blog nowadays...5-7 common tests, a few graded assignments and many other worksheets...sorry again...I'll be blogging again quite soon...

NO ONE wrote at 3:16 PM
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To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapter 1-4 Discussion

Basically, this discussion is made up of six people in a group, each with a different role - a Discussion Director, a Summarizer, an Illustrator, a Literary Luminary, an Investigator and a Connector (that's me). Even though we were given a lot of time to do this, SOME people just didn't do their work...I think that person knows who HE is...but nvm...lets just hope that he does it next Monday. Well, another didn't understand chapters 1-4. Actually, I didn't understand it either [lets hope no teachers see this =)]...I don't think the discussion process is's actually quite uninteresting...

Another thing...My To Kill A Mockingbird was the adult version...not he student got some extra contents - you should know what kind of "extra contents"...and the page numbering is SO different that if the teacher asked us to turn to page 30 eg, it may take me like 5mins? Lol...thats all for now...

NO ONE wrote at 7:50 PM
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Funniest Songs 3

This one is bei pan by maplers???...xD

NO ONE wrote at 8:26 PM
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Funniest Songs 2

Another funny song...lols...

NO ONE wrote at 8:24 PM
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Funniest Songs...xD

Found this a few months ago...but forgot to put in old blog...

NO ONE wrote at 7:51 PM
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Leisure Camp 2008

It's been a few days since I came back from the camp and I finally found the time to post again. For those who do not know, I'm from DHS NPCC and there are camps like this every year. This camp is from 12-14th March and is our last Leisure Camp for us, the year twos. The theme for this year's camp is Celtic Mythology and the God my group is using for this camp is Belenus. Before the camp itself, we had many torturing preperations where we were nearly bored to death-and I really mean it. But then, the fun had yet to come. As a year two, we had to lead the year ones for this camp. On the first day of the camp, we had many fun activities like tug-of-war and physical training-though most people did not enjoy this, especially the year ones. At night, we had the most fun activity in the whole of the camp. It was the night walk. Before that, we had a briefing on the night walk. There, we had to memorise the route of the night walk. There would be people pretending to be ghosts and scaring us on the way. It's really quite fun actually, seeing the people you know scaring you when you already know their names. For the next two days, I think there is much to explain as it was totally boring. At night, we had our performance where we had to do a skit performance in front of all the parents and teachers. Wow, that was cool...especially when I banged into another person...xD...Dats about all...bye

NO ONE wrote at 9:16 AM
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Happened yesterday...Carelessness...that's me. Drop Rubik's cube into the train track at Commonwealth-me...Retreive the cube from the track-mrt manager. Phew...lucky the cube did not drop directly onto the track. If it did, I may have caused a crash... Imagine that... The headline for The Straits Times: BLOODY CUBE CAUSED A CRASH. Wow...gave me a real scare when the cube dropped off my hand and straight into the gap between the platform and the train. The train door closed before I reacted and left for Queenstown, I think. Me and a few other friends alighted at the next stop and went back to Commonwealth. After we explained what happened, the manager went to check when the next mrt was scheduled to arrive and went to retreive the cube. Then, he asked me to fill up a form-guess what, it's a feedback form on their service! What luck...I thought I was goner...That's all for the day...bye...

NO ONE wrote at 11:09 AM
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NAME | Terence Liew
AGE | 14
RACE | Chinese
LOCATION | Singapore
BIRTHDAY | 8th January 1994
SCHOOL | Dunman High






From May 08